Published on December 27, 2003 By understandinglove In Current Events
Well Chirstmas is over. Thank Heavens for that. I spent way to much money. Life is so complecated sometimes. I hate that. I'm always pulled in five hundred directions every day. Which way do you go first what is more important this or that? I just hate it. I like being organized and planned. And I just hate it when something pops up unexpectedly. Drives me crazy. Hell maybe I'm nuts.

Soo your out of town for like a while. LOL glad to know thought you had forgot about me. HA like ane one could forget me. lol

I need direction in where I'm going. but I also need to figure out just where I'm headed. Ha .. what a lil riddle life is and why is it always that way? No matter how much you try to make it just how you want it you always end up some where else. or End up doing something you never dreamed of. Just a lovely thing. Like I said Im a planner and a organizer and I hate it when something botches up my plans.heh

Everyone seemed to enjoy Christmas.I actually just hate xmas. Not the meaning of what it is . Just the whole month of December I just hate it.. But i also have quite a few months in the year that i could just do with out. Hah arent i just the grinch.
My Life has gotton so complecated, My mind so full. I cant think straight. Im also a worrier. hah and just when you thought i couldnt get any worse. So Im a planner and a worrier. oh and did i mention the fact i like to have everything under control? which is impossible lol.

I do not handle things well that are not suppose to happen or go wrong. and I obesse at the fact of trying to fix them to my standard. or Make things go MY way. Which is impossible i know but what else am i suppose to do? LIFE BAH!...

on Dec 27, 2003
You sound stressed. Relax before it catches up with you. GCJ
on Dec 29, 2003
lol if it were only that easy