Published on December 11, 2003 By understandinglove In Personal Relationships
Well, if i fall in love with someone that has kids (ahem) - i will weigh the good and the bad. If my desire to be with her is strong enough to make kids worth it, then i will just have to deal with them. But if kids arent worth our love for each other - then its stay with her for as long as i can stand.

None? Like as in Never? What if you fall in love with someone who has One or two or three????

We are going to have to give it a few days anyway. Shes all sore now from doing it a couple times a night right off the bat. We tried to last night, but she was in too much pain. If i was going to have sex, and it hurt - it would ruin the mood and i woudlnt want to do it anymore.
on Dec 27, 2003
Hmm...You are very complicated. don't worry about any kids. Just worry about finding the right one tthen everything else will fall into place for you. Chill a little. GCJ