Published on December 8, 2003 By understandinglove In Blogging
yeah i remember that. Remember that camera??? And them pictures you took. LOL
The ones of me on the comp.

buying gifts for alot of people isnt bad. You just have to be organized n Plan ahead.
Start buying through the year as things are on sale.. ect Its not so bad. But I just got a late start. Alot of things going on yanno .. Plus you have to listen to the things they want n like. That is a major key to buying them things.

They girls are getting a Dvd/mp3/cd player. Dale earndart Jr stuff.. Cloths.. Dvd's .. Games.. Gawd... Tons of stuff.
But like i said .. it takes organization lol.

I've been Crocheting alot lately. Makeing blankets n such .. IF you ever want one let me know what color lol.

I hate buying for "other" family .. Like Neices nephews ect
Cause you just arent q uite sure what to get them .. THAT is the true Pain.

remember the Space Center?

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