Published on December 8, 2003 By understandinglove In Current Events
Thats a reason i dont want any kids. Not yet anyway. A couple years ago, my family made a plan at christmas, where we would all draw one name for christmas out of a hat, and each person only buys one gift. Its alot cheaper, and easier. Helps you focus on what christmas is really about, and not what the corporations want you to think its for.

So, now i have H, two friends and H's mother. Thats plenty for me.

I want a cat, but the apartment wants a $300 deposit for it, along with a $100 fee. That is freaking insane.

You have traded Mt Dew for Dr Pepper? Blashphemy!

No, ty for the good times. Remember me always chewing on your stud? I have no idea why i did that.. it was fun. Do you still have that?
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