understandinglove's Articles In Current Events
December 8, 2003 by understandinglove
So far, ive gotten her three board games and a microwave. I guess thats enough... i just dont want her to get me a whole lot more stuff - then i will feel that i ripped her off or something. THe microwave was like $130. It was expensive, but i dont think it counts as a "nice" gift. One of my friends insisted on getting me a gift, and hes one of those people that will get upset if you dont get him one cuz he gave you one. Even though you told him not to. Remember all those Mountain Dews ...
December 8, 2003 by understandinglove
Thats a reason i dont want any kids. Not yet anyway. A couple years ago, my family made a plan at christmas, where we would all draw one name for christmas out of a hat, and each person only buys one gift. Its alot cheaper, and easier. Helps you focus on what christmas is really about, and not what the corporations want you to think its for. So, now i have H, two friends and H's mother. Thats plenty for me. I want a cat, but the apartment wants a $300 deposit for it, along with a $100 fee....
December 10, 2003 by understandinglove
Well, shes going through alot of things right now. So, she was crying that she lost her virginity, but still happy that it happened. Then she started bleeding later that night, and got all sad about that. So i figure that night might not have been a good idea. But yesterday shes all like 'lets do it agian'. So im always confused on how she is feeling about it. oh, and: Im not having kids...
December 27, 2003 by understandinglove
Well Chirstmas is over. Thank Heavens for that. I spent way to much money. Life is so complecated sometimes. I hate that. I'm always pulled in five hundred directions every day. Which way do you go first what is more important this or that? I just hate it. I like being organized and planned. And I just hate it when something pops up unexpectedly. Drives me crazy. Hell maybe I'm nuts. Soo your out of town for like a while. LOL glad to know thought you had forgot about me. HA like ane one could...
December 10, 2003 by understandinglove
None? Like as in Never? What if you fall in love with someone who has One or two or three???? Kids are not all bad. And I will give you the fact that they are not for everyone. But that is something you just will not know until You have your very first one. And their innocent lil eyes look into yours for the very first time. You never forget how inncocent they are. Ane way they can drive you insane after that LOL. Just wait till ur like 30. I wouldnt trade my kid for nothing. Most wouldnt...